It is a property agreement between the buyer and the seller to sell a particular property on a particular terms and agreed upon price. It is not a actual sale but a written promise to carry out the contract at a future date.
Agreement to Sale..
As per the Indian Registration Act, 1908, any agreement of sale is an immovable property of value more than one hundred rupees is required to be registered.
Token amount means an advance amount or part of sale consideration amount given to the seller to the buyer as an assurance for the transaction.
Token Amount
Token money is always refundable as per the market practices. It’s the earnest money which is not refundable in case the buyer backs out and has signed the agreement to sell already.
You can not sell the property without registration on your name. You have no legal right to sell property as per Transfer of Property Act.
No. You cannot sell a property without registration.
Yes.... You can sell a property without registration
The agreement of sale have clauses of validity or end date to complete the transaction of property. These kind of clauses bind to both seller and purchaser.
Yes. You can cancel the agreement to sell as the purchaser has failed to fulfills with the terms and condition of the agreement. Thus, you can proceed to cancel the agreement by issuing a legal notice to him through your lawyer. You have to refund the money paid by the purchaser for booking your flat.
Yes. Agreement made on white paper is valid, if it fulfills all other conditions under the law and as per the law.