1. How the releaser gets rights for release deed to mention it very clearly. Wording and sentence of this should be very precise and clear.
2. The Proper description of the property on which property rights get a release from releaser. For example, releaser going to release the property then describe the land four boundaries of land, Area, Local name, Survey number, pothissa number, Tehsil, District everything in detail.
3. Reasons behind this release deed should be neat, clear and do not have any ambiguity.
4. The release deed language should be easy to understand and meaning of this should be very clear and honest so that afterwards there is no chance of any dispute.
5. Release deed must register in the presence of witnesses with there sign. If the release deed from a woman then its always better the witness is her husband or her son, Her daughter etc.
6. Write the proper name, address, age, sign and thumb of release and releaser.
7. Write the witness with their name, address and sign.
Instead of this releaser must be eligible to release and he/she not in pressure to do it. The said person should not be minor or mad.