

Property Mutation In Akurdi Pune

What is Property Mutation?

The mutation is nothing but a permanent change of owners name in government records like revenue records or municipal Body. It very important after making a sale deed.

Process to transfer the property.

1. Negotiation of the sale price.

2. Make an agreement to sale which include the terms and conditions.

3. Make a sale deed with completion of all terms and condition mentioned in the agreement to sale.

4. Mutation: Update the buyer name as owner in all governments record. Its final ownership transfer step.

Advantage of Property  Mutation.

1. Its an ownership proof as per government records.

2. Property mutation avoids frauds. Previous owner cant sells the property.

3. If any reason government acquire the land then that compensation is going to a person whose name on the mutation.



Fix the Appointment→Visit→Collect Require Documents→Make Draft→Verification→Notaries in front of authority.

Required Documents:

ID Proof

Address Proof


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